37. F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann, and I. Willner, “Actin-Based Metallic Nanowires as Bio-Nanotransporters” Nat. Mater., 3, 692-695 (2004).
36. O. Lioubashevski, V. I. Chegel, F. Patolsky, E. Katz and I. Willner, “Enzyme-Catalyzed Bio-Pumping of Electrons into Au-nanoparticles: A Surface Plasmon Resonance and Electrochemical Study”Enzyme-Catalyzed Bio-Pumping of Electrons into Au-nanoparticles: A Surface Plasmon Resonance and Electrochemical Study” J .Am .Chem. Soc., 126, 7133-7143 (2004).
35. Y. Weizmann, F. Patolsky, I. Popov and I. Willner, ”Telomerase-Generated Templates for the Growing of Metal Nanowires” Nano Lett. 4, 787-792 (2004).
34. E. Granot, F. Patolsky, I. Willner, “Electrochemical Assembly of a CdS Semiconductor Nanoparticle Monolayer on Surfaces: Structural Properties and Photoelectrochemical Applications” J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 5875-5881 (2004).
33. F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann and I. Willner, “Long-Range Electrical Contacting of Redox Enzymes by SWCNT Connectors” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43, 2113-2117 (2004).
32. Y. Weizmann, F. Patolsky, E. Katz and I. Willner, “Amplified telomerase analysis by using rotating magnetic particles: The rapid and sensitive detection of cancer cells” ChemBioChem., 5, 943-948 (2004).
31. Y. Weizmann, F. Patolsky, O. Liubashevski and I. Willner, “Magneto-Mechanical Detection of Nucleic-Acids and Telomerase Activity in Cancer Cells” J .Am .Chem. Soc., 126, 1073-1080 (2004).
30. F. Patolsky, R. Gill, Y. Weizmann, T. Mokari, U. Banin and I. Willner, “Lighting-Up the Dynamics of Telomerization and DNA Replication by CdSe-ZnS Quantum Dots” J .Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 13918-13919 (2003).
29. Y. Xiao, A. B. Kharitonov, F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann and I. Willner, “Electrocatalytic Intercalator-Induced Winding of Double-Stranded DNA with Polyaniline” Chem.Comun., 13, 1540-1541 (2003).
23. F. Patolsky, E. Katz, and I. Willner, “Amplified DNA Detection by Electrogenerated Biochemiluminescence and by the Catalyzed Precipitation of an Insoluble Product on Electrodes in the Presence of Doxorubicin Intercalator” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 41, 3398-3402 (2002).
22. F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann , O. Lioubashevski and I. Willner, “Au-Nanoparticle Nanowires Based on DNA and Polylysine Templates” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41, 2323-2327 (2002).
21. F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann and I. Willner, “Redox Active Nucleic Acid Replica for the Amplified Bioelectrocatalytic Detection of Viral DNA” J. Am. Chem. Soc.,124, 770-772 (2002).
20. F. Patolsky, Y. Weizmann, I. Willner and B. Willner, “Amplified detection of single-base mismatches in DNA using microgravimetric quartz crystal microbalance transduction” Talanta, 56, 847-856 (2002).
19. I. Willner, F. Patolsky and A. Lichtenstein, “Amplified DNA Analysis and Single-Base Mistmatch Detection using DNA-Bioelectronics Systems” Analytical Sciences, 17, 351-353 (2001).
18. Y. Weizmann , F. Patolsky and I Willner, “Amplified Detection of DNA and Analysis of Single Base Mismatches by the Catalyzed Deposition of Gold on Au-Nanoparticles” Analyst 126, 1502-1504 (2001).
17. O. Lioubashevski , F. Patolsky and I. Willner, “Probing of DNA and Single-Base Mismatches by Functionalized Surfaces” Langmuir 17, 5134-5136 (2001).
16. F. Patolsky, I. Willner, J. Wasserman, “Photoelectrochemistry with Controlled DNA-cross-linked CdS Nanoparticle Arrays” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 40, 1861-1864 (2001).
15. F. Patolsky, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Electronic Transduction of DNA Sensing Processes on Surfaces: Amplification of DNA Detection by Tagged Liposomes” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123, 5194-5205 (2001).
14. F. Patolsky, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Electronic transduction of polymerase or reverse transcriptase induced replication processes on surfaces: Highly sensitive and specific detection of viral genomes” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 40, 261-265 (2001).
13. F. Patolsky, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Sensing of Single-Base DNA Mutations by Enzyme-Amplified Electronic Transduction” Nat. Biotechnol., 19, 253-257 (2001).
12. F. Patolsky, K.T. Ranjit, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Dendritic Amplification of DNA Analysis by oligonucleotide-Functionalized Au Nanoparticles” Chem. Commun., 12, 1025-1026 (2000).
11. F. Patolsky, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Electrochemical Transduction of Liposome-Amplified DNA Sensing” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 39, 940-943 (2000).
10. F. Patolsky, A. Lichtenstein and I. Willner, “Amplified Microgravimetric Quartz-Crystal- Microbalance Assay of DNA using Oligonucleotide-Functionalized Liposomes or Biotinylated Liposomes” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 418-419 (2000).
9. F. Patolsky, T. Gabriel and I. Willner, “Controlled Electrocatalysis by Microperoxidase-11 and Au-Nanoparticle Superstructures on Conductive Supports” J. Electroanal. Chem., 479, 69-73 (1999).
8. F. Patolsky, M. Zayats, E. Katz and I. Willner, “Precipitation of an Insoluble Product on Enzyme-Monolayer-Electrodes for Biosensor Applications: Characterization by Faradaic Impedance Spectroscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry and Microgravimetric Quartz-Crystal-Microbalance Analyses” Anal. Chem., 71, 3171-3180 (1999).
7. F. Patolsky, E. Katz, A. Bardea and I. Willner, “Enzyme-Linked Electrochemical Sensing of Oligonucleotide-DNA Interactions by Means of Impedance Spectroscopy” Langmuir, 15, 3703-3706 (1999).
6. M. Lahav, E. Katz, A. Doron, F. Patolsky and I. Willner, “Photochemical Imprint of Molecular Recognition Sites in Monolayers Assembled on Au-Electrodes” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 862-863 (1999).
5. A. Bardea, F. Patolsky, A. Dagan and I. Willner, “Sensing and Amplification of Oligonucleotide-DNA Interactions by Means of Impedance Spectroscopy: A Route to a Tay-Sachs Sensor” Chem. Commun. 1, 21-22 (1999).
4. F. Patolsky, B. Filanovsky, E. Katz and I. Willner, “Photoswitchable Antigen-Antibody Interactions Studied by Impedance Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B, 102, 10359-10367 (1998).
3. F. Patolsky, G. L. Tao, E. Katz and I. Willner, “C60-Mediated Bioelectrocatalyzed Oxidation of Glucose with Glucose Oxidase” J. Electroanal. Chem., 454, 9-13 (1998).
2. I. Willner, E. Katz, F. Patolsky and A.F. Bückmann,“A Biofuel Cell Based on Glucose Oxidase and Microperoxidase-11 Monolayer-Functionalized Electrodes” J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1817-1822 (1998).
1. F. Patolsky, E. Katz, V. Heleg-Shabtai and I. Willner, “A Crosslinked Microperoxidase-11 and Nitrate Reductase Monolayer on a Au-Electrode: An Integrated Electrically Contacted Electrode for the Bioelectrocatalyzed Reduction of NO3-“ Chem. Eur. J., 4, 1068-1073 (1998).